PopMM - 16/07/24 00:02

[00:02] [Rw]FreeMatt out
[00:21] [Rw]FreeMatt in
[00:22] bignoobmanfr out
[00:22] [D]Jozef> gg
[00:22] rc_doom9718> gg wp
[00:22] rc_doom9718> i need more micro control
[00:23] MrSmokin_hottie26> ur gud at attackin ossur
[00:23] MrSmokin_hottie26> had me worried for man
[00:24] lebannen out
[00:25] [D]Jozef> ye ossur hung in there well
[00:25] [D]Jozef out
[00:26] MrSmokin_hottie26> the trooping the strategizing outta u
[00:26] MrSmokin_hottie26> had pull out a lil of my powers ;)
[00:29] rc_doom9718> what means ossurt?
[00:29] rc_doom9718> ossur*
[00:32] rc_doom9718 in
[00:34] [Rw]Raver out
[00:35] rc_doom9718 out
[00:36] MrSmokin_hottie26> ossur is cyborg
[00:37] MrSmokin_hottie26> everyone knows him as
[00:37] bignoobmanfr in
[00:37] Hokusaia in
[00:37] Hokusaia out
[00:38] LSD3 in
[00:40] LoryMyto in
[00:40] rc_doom9718 in
[00:41] LSD3 out
[00:41] rc_doom9718> ah
[00:41] rc_doom9718> lol
[00:42] LSD3 in
[00:42] rc_doom9718 out
[00:45] rc_doom9718> some1 know what means sigma and mu?
[00:47] LSD3 out
[00:47] LSD3 in
[00:49] LSD3 out
[00:52] LSD3 in
[00:53] rc_doom9718> LS3 are you new here?
[00:53] LSD3 out
[00:53] LSD3 in
[00:58] bignoobmanfr out
[01:16] Zpektrix_TAS in
[01:16] Zpektrix_TAS out
[01:16] Zpektrix_TAS in
[01:18] LSD3 out
[01:18] LSD3 in
[01:20] rc_doom9718> well
[01:20] rc_doom9718> you have discord?
[01:20] rc_doom9718> i can guide if you share your screen
[01:20] rc_doom9718> no bro pop work on pentium 3 with 256MB
[01:25] rc_doom9718> now mark no-ranked game
[01:25] rc_doom9718> en game panel
[01:25] rc_doom9718> in*
[01:25] rc_doom9718> now start game
[01:25] rc_doom9718> wait i lose my ping
[01:25] rc_doom9718> start
[01:25] rc_doom9718> let me log
[01:26] rc_doom9718> let relog
[01:26] rc_doom9718 out
[01:26] rc_doom9718 in
[01:26] rc_doom9718 out
[01:26] rc_doom9718 in
[01:29] adray_tsi in
[01:29] rc_doom9718> no wait
[01:32] rc_doom9718> so you installed this right: Populous: The Beginning Installer for the latest patched version of Populous: The Beginning with fix for Windows 7 color problem.
[01:33] rc_doom9718> well let try other thing
[01:33] rc_doom9718> host
[01:33] Minibot_UK> rc_doom9718: Please wait until the "X Ping" goes away before sending commands. * Type !forward , if you are having issues with ping/connecting
[01:33] Minibot_UK> rc_doom9718: Welcome to the 1vs1 HostBot! To use, PM the following commands: * [maps] - Lists the available maps * [launch] - Starts the game * [color name] - Change the tribe rotation (blue/red/green/yellow) * [unrank] - Set the game to unranked * [rank] - Set the host to be ranked (on by default) * [reset] - Restarts the hostbot, if it gets stuck. * [download] - Download Link Installer for the game.
[01:34] rc_doom9718> unrank
[01:34] rc_doom9718> launch
Launching game...
Minibot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
LSD3 - MapPack: OK
rc_doom9718 - MapPack: OK
Players: - Minibot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - rc_doom9718: Red - LSD3: Yellow * Unranked Game Game Type: Normal
Game successfully created in database.
Game results submitted.
[01:37] LSD3> shit
[01:38] LSD3> my game crashed
[01:38] rc_doom9718> who say?
[01:38] rc_doom9718> how say*
[01:38] LSD3> it just close
[01:38] rc_doom9718> i means what say windows about crash
[01:38] LSD3> literally nothing, just closed without anything more
[01:39] LSD3> i think i will unistall everything and install again
[01:39] rc_doom9718> and matchmaker no say something too?
[01:39] rc_doom9718> i think that isnt the problem
[01:39] rc_doom9718> i think something about windows 7
[01:39] LSD3> no, just said game ended
[01:40] rc_doom9718> just must use discord to talk with staff
[01:40] LSD3> if is would be my end
[01:40] LSD3> i will try
[01:40] LSD3> thanks man, i need go out now
[01:41] rc_doom9718> if you need help just talk to me
[01:42] LSD3 out
[01:53] rc_doom9718 out
[01:56] rc_doom9718 in
[01:56] rc_doom9718 out
[01:57] rc_doom9718 in
[02:04] bignoobmanfr in
[02:23] LoryMyto out
[02:23] [Rw]FreeMatt out
[02:24] adray_tsi out
[02:47] LoryMyto in
[02:48] [GoD]Eric out
[02:52] MrSmokin_hottie26> hola doom
[02:53] LoryMyto> wai
[02:53] LoryMyto> eai*
[02:54] rc_doom9718> lol
[02:54] rc_doom9718> thx bro, lol, ill go to sleep now, have a good night
[02:55] MrSmokin_hottie26> kk
[02:55] rc_doom9718> see you tomorrow guys
[02:55] MrSmokin_hottie26> adios muchacho
[02:55] rc_doom9718> adios amigo
[02:55] LoryMyto> falou
[02:55] rc_doom9718> lol
[02:55] MrSmokin_hottie26> huehue
[02:55] rc_doom9718 out
[02:56] [Rw]FreeMatt in
[03:04] LoryMyto out
[03:10] adray_tsi in
[03:29] bignoobmanfr out
[03:52] lebannen in
[03:52] lebannen out
[03:53] adray_tsi out
[04:12] urepopulous2 in
[04:13] urepopulous2 out
[04:13] urepopulous2 in
[04:14] urepopulous2 out
[04:14] urepopulous2 in
[04:30] urepopulous2 in
[04:31] urepopulous2 out
[04:58] [Rw]FreeMatt out
[05:11] ExLordDeath in
[05:40] Zpektrix_TAS out
[06:00] ExLordDeath out
[06:29] urepopulous2 out
[08:29] Power in
[08:29] Power out
[09:22] [GoD]spinnifix in
[09:54] [GoD]spinnifix out
[10:39] Zpektrix_TAS in
[10:39] Zpektrix_TAS out
[10:39] Zpektrix_TAS in
[11:09] Fivejj in
[11:14] Fivejj out
[11:14] Fivejj in